Modern chipmaker Qualcomm's latest unveiled Snapdragon 865 Plus is the most powerful mobile chip ever made by the company. The world-renowned chip maker has transformed their previous 865 version of the chip into a more powerful chip. The company claims that the Snapdragon 865 Plus processor is 10 percent more effective in using modern high-configuration gaming and artificial intelligence applications. Almost all the smartphone makers in the world including Samsung, Xiaomi, Realm, Oppo, One Plus, Sony rely on Qualcomm's Snapdragon chipset for processor chipsets. Qualcomm Snapdragon 865 has also gained a good reputation as a chipset of smartphones that support 5G.
Qualcomm, the semiconductor-based processor maker, has made three significant improvements to its new Snapdragon chipset. According to the American company, the maximum clock speed of the Snapdragon 865 Plus processor made for smartphones is 3.31 GHz. Which is about 10% higher than the clock speed of the previous Snapdragon 865 version. With the new processor, the Adreno 650 GPU is more effective for graphics rendering, the company says. In addition to Qualcomm's Fast Connect 6900 technology, the processor can have a maximum speed of 3.6 Gbps using the phone's Wi-Fi device. Japanese technology maker Asus has already announced plans to add Qualcomm's new chipset to its Asus Rogue Phone 3 gaming smartphone. It is expected that by 2021, the latest Qualcomm Snapdragon 865 Plus chipset smartphone will start coming to the market.