Telecom business coming on Amazon?

According to Reuters, Amazon is going to enter the telecom business. The world's largest e-commerce business is entering cloud computing, shipping, grocery, pharmaceuticals and other businesses as well as the telecom business. They are considering purchasing prepaid phone brand boost mobile from the mobile operator Sprint.
However, there are some issues with the deal. This agreement will be possible only if Sprint T-Mobile gets approval for their $ 26 billion deal and the two companies can be linked together. If these two deals are completed, the number of mobile carriers in the US will drop from four to just three.

Sprint Mobile and T-Mobile are the third and fourth largest telecom companies in the US, and if they are united, then it will affect market competition. The two companies together will compete in the fight between two companies AT & T and Verizon. The United States Federal Commission has said that they are positive about the integration of Sprint and T-Mobile. The commission further said that in this case companies have to meet certain conditions. One of which is the sale of Boost Mobile. Although this agreement has not yet been approved from the judiciary. According to the opponents of this agreement, this agreement will increase the market value of the goods and reduce workers' wages. But a statement from Sprint Mobile said that if this agreement is made, then they will not increase the price for anything in the next three years. And at the same time committed to setting up a 5G network that can cover nearly 97 percent of the United States population. But Bloomberg said in a report released this week that many of the judiciary are against this agreement. Because they want to keep four companies instead of three so that the general public has four options. In that case, if Amazon buys Bust, then there is no longer any restriction on the deal. Then enter the boost market as the fourth carrier.

According to Reuters, if Amazon wants to buy Boost, they have to use the company's connected wireless network and other benefits for six years. Amazon has not yet agreed on this. Because the company's main goal is to expand their business in different ways. The e-commerce company, however, did not want to comment on the company's offer.

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