Siemens Mobility is building a hydrogen powered train. The German railway company Deutsche Ban is with the company in this work.
They have begun the development of a hydrogen-powered fuel cell train and a filling station to replace diesel engines on the German local rail network.
The train will be tested in 2024.
Siemens has built the prototype hydrogen train based on the electric rail car Mirio Plus.
According to the manufacturers, the prototype was created by converting electricity into hydrogen and oxygen boards and placing fuel cells with a battery. The engine can produce its fuel in 15 minutes and can travel at a maximum speed of 160 kilometers per hour and 600 kilometers per hour.
The new locomotive will be tested in Tbingen, Herb and Forgeheim in the state of Baden-Wrttemberg.
Michael Peter, chief executive of Siemens Mobility, told Reuters the train combined the energy possibilities collected from three sources into one modular system. Batteries, fuel cells; This engine can even collect power from existing overhead lines. But where it will run will depend on its energy source.
German railway operator Deutsche Welle did not provide electrical connections to 40 percent of its 33,000-kilometer (kilometer) long network. Instead, 1,300 fossil fuels will run on diesel locomotive engines.