This time, maybe the popular communication app WhatsApp, Telegram and Signal want to share the business of Google's email service G-mail. That's why 3 more apps are being added to the Gmail app.
As a result, users are going to get the benefit of chat, meet and rooms from personal accounts as well as mailers.
In the past, users could use the chat messaging app in the Google workspace.
But now you can share media and photos in the Google chat interface from the Gmail app, have access to Google Drive for file sharing and switch directly to Google Meet for video chat.
The most convenient thing is that now the user does not have to switch to different apps separately for Gmail, Chat, Meet and Room.
As a result, their use will increase, and chat and meet options will become a competitor for video meetings and instant messaging platforms such as Microsoft Teams, Zoom and Slack, experts say. The idea is that personal Gmail accounts will also compete with WhatsApp, Telegram and Signal.