Diabetes Symptoms

Currently Diabetes is a very common disease. For many reasons, this disease can occur in the human body. If the human body can not provide adequate insulin called hormones than the blood needs. Then the amount of sugar increased in blood. It is called diabetes in medical science.

Type of diabetes

A, type 1 diabetes

This type of diabetes is inhibited by beta cells in the formation of insulin. It is called autoimmune disorder.

B, type2 diabetes:

Diabetes occurs when the body is unable to build insulin.

C, diabetes during pregnancy

This type of diabetes is at the time of pregnancy.

Symptoms of diabetes are: drying the tongue or excessive thirst, losing weight, frequent urine, blurred vision and easy recovery if injured. There is no way to completely eliminate diabetes. If you can control the amount of sugar in the blood, then you can live a normal life.

Risk of Diabetes Disease:

Type 1 diabetes can be due to the following reasons.

    If there are some parents or family members of the family.
    It is more often in adolescence or adolescence.
    Diabetes is more in areas of equatorial or equatorial regions.
    Genetics can cause diabetes.

The risks of type 2 diabetes are:

    Because of obesity or obesity
    If there is anyone else in the family.
    If the age is more than 45 years.
    If you lie on excessive sleeping
    Due to pregnancy
    If there is excess fat in the abdomen


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