Weight Loss Foods

It is not impossible to reduce weight of 10 kg in 1 month. It can be done through hard will and hard work. If your body does not fully agree to do so, then it is best to try it. Because only 7-10 days does not make any sense. You just follow any other method. If you start today, you will not start losing weight today. When your body is ready to take this diet list and brain weight loss, it will start to work. It takes time to take body and mind at such a stage.

I followed the weight loss diet list and reduced the maximum 500 grams in one day. Do not think every 500 grams a day. Depending on your daily calorie intake and consumption, your gram weight will decrease. It is common There are some more issues here. If the insulin levels are higher in the body then the weight will gradually decrease.
But do not eat my strict instructions. And if you have a physical problem or are under the direction of a doctor. If you follow this, then consult your doctor before going ahead. Exercise to get complete results with this weight loss diet list also needs to be exercised. Let's see that I have a weight of ten kg weight loss list in 1 month.
 9-10 does not mean morning. We have to get up at 6 in the morning. There are some healthy ingredients in the morning weather. Vitamin D is very useful for body in the morning sunlight.

Lemon water with honey: After drinking in the morning, one glass of honey will be used to drink lemon water. Give half a cup of medium-sized lemon into a glass of water. Along with a tea spoon mixed with orange honey. Drink in the winter with Kusum hot water. I got up early in the morning and used to jog 40 hours a day for 1 hour. Come back and drink this drink. With half a teaspoon of black jiraara oil mixed and better then it is better.
Breakfast: Breakfast means a green apple or orange or two small size bananas at 8 o'clock. Eat it four days a week. The rest of the two days, with a banana with a thin bread or sugar cooked with a banana. The rest of the day without an egg or glass of glass of one glass. The day you eat eggs, you can eat a raw cucumber or mangoes.

Morning Dinner: After 10 o'clock in the morning breakfast, eat Mixed Vegetables 1 cup of big cups of cooked vegetables in small oil. Eat a bowl of soup for two days a week in the bowl of the bowl. If you are more hungry, you can mix a few whole herbs with vegetables or pulses. Or eat 3-4 table spoons of oatmeal with kishmih or dates. Before I got to bed, I used to wet 2-3 pods and 20-25 wells.

Lunch: At midday (at 2 pm) eat a couple of medium-sized bowl mixed with pulses. Mixed vegetables are the best to eat. Then you get all the necessary vitamins and minerals. And vegetables contain plenty of fiber, which helps digestion and becomes converted into glucose as well as entering the body. Give oil too little to cook vegetables. Do not cook onion and roasted oil. Vegetables do not boil perfectly. Nutritional quality remains in semi-finished vegetables.
Among the vegetables, cabbage, cauliflower, tomato, mangoes, mustard seeds, brinjal, radish, beans, patala, karla, gooseberry, lavour, sweet pumpkin, pulse spinach, papaya spinach, radish spinach, cauliflower, mustard spinach, etc. Useful If you get more hunger, you can eat 1 cup of rice twice a week. But after 15-20 days I used to eat rice.
To eat chicken meat 1-2 days a week. But only Chicken Breast. You can eat half of a chicken breast. I used to eat a white nun (bread nun) with chicken grill for one quarter a week (chicken grill). Two days a week the fish will have to eat. Do not eat excess oiled fish. Eat big fish and eat one cheese with vegetables. Fishes with vegetables or vegetables with vegetables are very delicate.
Afternoon meal: At 4 pm, 20-30 liters of powders or 3-4 palm or a banana. Eat bananas in the morning and eat something else in the afternoon. But girls must eat 2-3 sets of bananas per day during the period of 10 kg weight loss diet following a follow-up diet chart. There is plenty of iron in the banana which should be eaten more than the period of the period. But if the body is weakened then exclude diet. With these sugar can eat without sugar. I used to exercise in the evening so we could eat this 30 minutes before exercising in the afternoon.

Dinner: One glass of lemon water at 7pm. Drink the rest of the morning with lemon juice mixed in a glass of water. I used to eat lemon water during the night and came to exercise. Eat fresh vegetables in the 9-minute dinner. The amount of 200 grams of mixed vegetables or spinach will be cooked. If you have more hunger, you can eat two pots of potatoes. You have to go to bed after 12. Remember, night must be 3 hours after eating at night.
Drink plenty of water for the whole day. I ate 7-8 liters of water a day. I kept my stomach filled with water. The food that we eat is 😛.
Besides following this weight loss diet list, I used to exercise in the morning and evening. During this diet, no exercise can be done during weight lifting or weight lifting. Free hands and cardio exercise
1. No food made outside of natural foods can be eaten.
2. Avoid 100 percent of any sweet food.
3. Any food that is cooked in oil, it can not be cooked at home.
4. If you have never followed a diet chart before. From the beginning it is better not to follow the weight loss diet chart. At the beginning, gradually reduce your diet and keep it as a last goal.

Do not follow the sick body. Or, if you are sick while following it, contact the doctor on an emergency basis and tell it. But I did not have any problem while following it.

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